Prrofessor Moulines’ current research topics include high-dimensional Monte Carlo sampling methods, stochastic optimization, and generative models (variational autoencoders, generative adversarial networks). He applies these various methods to uncertainty quantification, Bayesian inverse problems, and control of complex systems. Email
Prior to joining MBZUAI, Professor Moulines joined the Signal and Image Processing Department at Télécom ParisTech (1990), where he was appointed full professor in 1996. In 2015, he moved to the Center for Applied Mathematics at Ecole Polytechnique, where he is currently professor of statistics. Professor Moulines areas of expertise include computational statistics (Monte Carlo simulations, stochastic optimization), probabilistic machine learning, statistical signal processing, and time series analysis (sequential Monte Carlo methods, nonlinear filtering). He is a EURASIP and IMS Fellow.
His current research themes aim to solve the challenges related to the need for rapid analysis of computational statistics created by ever-larger datasets. The four themes include: (1) Understanding and optimizing principled approximate inference in complex statistical models; (2) Develop principled statistical approaches for massive data sets and high-dimensional models; (3) Federated and distributed computational statistics; and (4) Theory and methodology for optimizing high-dimensional algorithms.
Moulines has published more than 120 articles in leading journals in signal processing, computational statistics, and applied probability, and more than 300 proceedings at major conferences on signal processing and machine learning.
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