Sir Michael Brady

Emeritus Professor of Oncological Imaging, Department of Oncology at the University of Oxford and Adjunct Distinguished Professor, MBZUAI

Research Interests

Professor Brady’s research focus is in real-world medical image analysis solutions which he successfully commercialized for industry on several occasions. His current work is predominantly focused on: quantitative MRI of the liver, pancreas, and breast; mammography and tomosynthesis; assessment of trabecular structures for early evidence of osteoporosis; and the application of Bayesian Networks for causal reasoning about multi-organ conditions, particularly type-2 diabetes.


Prior to joining MBZUAI, Professor Brady was associate director of the AI Laboratory at MIT from 1980 to 1985, leaving to take up the newly created Professorship of Information Engineering, University of Oxford, which he held from 1985 to 2010.

He is the emeritus professor of oncological imaging in the Department of Oncology at the University of Oxford.

Professor Brady has been elected a fellow of the Royal Society, fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, membre associé étranger of the Académie des Sciences, and an honorary fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Professor Brady is also a fellow of the Institute of Physics, a fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences, a fellow of the American Association of AI, and a fellow of the British Computer Society.

Professor Brady has founded successful companies, primarily in medical image analysis and was a director of Oxford Instruments plc.

  • Ph.D. in mathematics from the Australian National University (ANU), Australia.
  • Master’s in mathematics from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom.
  • Bachelor of Science (1st class honors) in mathematics from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom.
  • Fellow of the Royal Society.
  • Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.
  • Membre Associé Étranger of the Académie des Sciences.
  • Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology.
  • Fellow of the Institute of Physics.
  • Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences.
  • Fellow of the British Computer Society.
  • Royal Academy of Engineering Whittle Medal.
  • IET Faraday Prize.
  • Henry Dale Prize.
  • Publication Sir Michael Brady

Brady is the author of more than 500 articles and 50 patents in computer vision, robotics, medical image analysis, and artificial intelligence, and the author or editor of 10 books.

  • Tom Waddell, Alexandre Bagur, Diogo Cunha, Helena Thomaides-Brear, Rajarshi Banerjee, Daniel J Cuthbertson, Emily Brown, Kenneth Cusi, Michael Brady, Greater ectopid fat deposition, liver fibroinflammation and lower skeletal muscle mass in people with type 2 diabetes: a UK Biobank analysis, Obesity (accepted for publication).
  • Daniel Bulte, Matthew Robson, Michael Brady, Alexandre Triay Bagur, Pancreas Ectopic Fat: Imaging-based Quantification, chapter in Visceral and Ectopic Fat: Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes, Atherosclerosis, and Cardiovascular Disease, Ed. Hildo J. Lamb, Elsevier 2022.
  • Richard Sidebottom, Sarah Vinnicombe, Michael Brady, Iain Lyburn, Fair shares: building and benefiting from healthcare AI with mutually beneficial structures and development partnerships, Br. J. Radiology, 2021.
  • Faraz Janan and Michael Brady, RICE: A Method for Quantitative Mammographic Image Enhancement, Medical Image Analysis, 2021.
  • James Owler, Alexandre Triay Bagur Scott Marriage, Zobair Arya, Paul Aljabar, John McGonigle, Sir Michael Brady, and Daniel Bulte, Pancreas Volumetry in UK Biobank: Comparison of Models and Inference at Scale, Proc. Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, 2021.
  • Alexandre Triay Bagur, Paul Aljabar, Zobair Arya, John McGonigle, Sir Michael Brady, and Daniel Bulte, Slice-to-Volume Registration Enables Automated Pancreas MRI Quantification in UK Biobank, Proc. Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, 2021.

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