Mohsen Guizani

Professor of Machine Learning

Research Interests

Professor Guizani’s research interests are in the field of applied machine learning and artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), intelligent autonomous systems, smart cities, and cybersecurity.


Before joining MBZUAI, Professor Guizani served in multiple administrative positions in the USA and the Gulf region, such as the Founding Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies at QU, Chair of the ECE Department at the University of Idaho, Chair of the Computer Science Department at Western Michigan University and Professor at the University of Missouri.

He was elevated to the IEEE Fellow in 2009 for his contribution to “quality of service in broadband and ad hoc wireless networks.” He is a highly cited researcher and was listed as a Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher in Computer Science in 2019, 2020 and 2021.

Professor Guizani has won several research awards including the 2015 IEEE Communications Society Best Transaction Paper Award as well as four Best Paper Awards from top conferences, such as IEEE ICC and IEEE Globecom.

  • Ph.D. in computer engineering from Syracuse University, USA
  • Master’s in computer engineering from Syracuse University, USA
  • Bachelor of Science (with distinction) from Syracuse University, USA
  • Best Journal Paper Award, IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC), Seoul, South Korea, May 16-20, 2022.
  • Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher in Computer Science in 2019, 2020 and 2021.
  • Conference (ICC), Virtual, June 7-11, 2020.
  • Best Paper Award, IEEE GLOBECOM (Global Comm.).
  • 2019 IEEE Communications and Information Security Technical Recognition (CISTC) Award.
  • Conference, Abu Dhabi, December 9-13, 2018.
  • IEEE ComSoc Best Survey Paper Award, the most prestigious ComSoc paper Award for journal survey papers, 2018.
  • Best Paper Award, IEEE International Communications.
  • 2018 Ad-Hoc Technical Committee Recognition Award.
  • Best Paper Award, IEEE GLOBECOM (Global Comm.).
  • 2017 IEEE Communications Society Wireless Technical Committee (WTC) Recognition Award.
  • Conference, Washington DC, December 4-8, 2016.
  • 2015 IEEE Communications Society Best Transaction Paper Award.
  • Best Paper Award, IEEE International Communications Conference (ICC), Sydney, Australia, June 10-14, 2014.
  • Best Paper Award, IEEE ComManTel 2014 (Computing, Management and Telecom.), Da Nang, Vietnam, April 27–29, 2014.
  • IEEE Fellow, 2009 for his contribution to "quality of service in broadband and ad hoc wireless networks".
  • Senior Technical Editor of the IEEE Network.
  • Advisory Board Editor of the IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
  • IEEE Communication Society Distinguished Lecturer.
  • Founder of the IEEE International Conference of Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC).
  • Founder of WISE (a non-profit organization for education).
  • Publication Mohsen Guizani

Guizani has published extensively in high-impact journals and conferences. He has authored/co-authored 10 books and more than 800 technical papers in top journals and conferences and has been granted more than 10 U.S. patents.

  • Internet of things: A survey on enabling technologies, protocols, and applications. A Al-Fuqaha, M Guizani, M Mohammadi, M Aledhari, M Ayyash. IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 17 (4), 2347-2376, 2015.
  • Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs): A survey on civil applications and key research challenges. H Shakhatreh, AH Sawalmeh, A Al-Fuqaha, Z Dou, E Almaita, I Khalil, et al. Ieee Access 7, 48572-48634, 2019.
  • Deep learning for IoT big data and streaming analytics: A survey. M Mohammadi, A Al-Fuqaha, S Sorour, M Guizani. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 20 (4), 2923-2960, 2018.
  • MeDShare: Trust-less medical data sharing among cloud service providers via blockchain. QI Xia, EB Sifah, KO Asamoah, J Gao, X Du, M Guizani. IEEE access 5, 14757-14767, 2017.
  • 5G wireless backhaul networks: challenges and research advances. X Ge, H Cheng, M Guizani, T Han. IEEE network 28 (6), 6-11, 2014.
  • A comprehensive review of the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of IoT, drones, AI, blockchain, and 5G in managing its impact. V Chamola, V Hassija, V Gupta, M Guizani. Ieee access 8, 90225-90265, 2020.

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