Professor Xie’s research interests are machine learning inspired by humans’ learning skills (especially classroom learning skills), such as learning by progressive examination, interleaving learning, small-group learning, learning by teaching, etc., and their applications in healthcare as well as natural language processing. Email
Prior to joining MBZUAI, Professor Xie was associate vice-president at Petuum Inc. He serves as area chair for ICML, CVPR, ICCV, NAACL, etc. His Ph.D. thesis was selected as a top-5 finalist for the AMIA Doctoral Dissertation Award.
Professor Xie is the recipient of the Amazon AWS Faculty Award, Tencent AI-Lab Faculty Award, Tencent WeChat Faculty Award, the Innovator Award presented by the Pittsburgh Business Times, the Siebel Scholars award. He has two granted patents and another seven under review. Professor Xie is an assistant professor at UC San Diego.
Xie has authored or co-authored more than 130 research papers with more than 3500 citations.
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