Professor Gurevych’s main research interests are in machine learning for large-scale language understanding and text semantics, including multilingual representation learning and argument mining. Email
Prior to joining MBZUAI, Professor Gurevych was appointed the president of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL), she was awarded one of the highly-coveted “ERC Advanced Grants” of 2.5 million euros from the European Research Council (ERC) for her project “InterText – Modeling Text as a Living Object in a Cross-Document Context”. The InterText project is creating the first-ever framework for exploring intertextuality in NLP. InterText develops conceptual and applied models and datasets for the study of inline commentary, implicit linking, and document versioning. The models are evaluated in two case studies involving academic peer review and conspiracy theory debunking. Professor Gurevych is professor of computer science and founder/director of the Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP) Lab at the Technical University (TU) of Darmstadt, Germany (40 full-time researchers). Professor Gurevych’s outstanding work has received numerous awards. Examples are the ACL fellow award 2020 and the ever-first Hessian LOEWE Distinguished Chair award (2.5 million Euro) in 2021. Professor Gurevych is co-director of the NLP program within ELLIS, a European network of excellence in machine learning.
Professor Gurevych’s research contributes to NLP by providing efficient and effective NLP techniques that build on top of large language models, such as multilingual sentence embeddings or adapters. This allows process and understand many languages, including the ones with few resources. In addition, her research removes critical limitations of current NLP which is unable to understand fine-grained relations between long and complex texts in context.
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