Koto has published over 45 papers in top peer-reviewed NLP conferences and journals, including ACL, NAACL, EMNLP, EACL, AACL, COLING, and JAIR. Additionally, he has filed three US patents.
Fajri Koto, Haonan Li, Sara Shatnawi, Jad Doughman, Abdelrahman Boda Sadallah, Aisha Alraeesi, Khalid Almubarak, Zaid Alyafeai, Neha Sengupta, Shady Shehata, Nizar Habash, Preslav Nakov, and Timothy Baldwin: "ArabicMMLU: Assessing Massive Multitask Language Understanding in Arabic". In Findings of ACL 2024.
Fajri Koto, Tilman Beck, Zeerak Talat, Iryna Gurevych, and Timothy Baldwin: “Zero-shot Sentiment Analysis in Low-Resource Languages Using a Multilingual Sentiment Lexicon". In Proceedings of EACL 2024.
Chen Cecilia Liu, Fajri Koto, Timothy Baldwin, and Iryna Gurevych: "Are Multilingual LLMs Culturally-Diverse Reasoners? An Investigation into Multicultural Proverbs and Sayings”. In Proceedings of the NAACL 2024.
Fajri Koto, Nurul Aisyah, Haonan Li, and Timothy Baldwin: "Large Language Models Only Pass Primary School Exams in Indonesia: A Comprehensive Test on IndoMMLU". In Proceedings of EMNLP 2023.
Fajri Koto, Timothy Baldwin, and Jey Han Lau: "LipKey: A Large-Scale News Dataset for Absent Keyphrases Generation and Abstractive Summarization”. In Proceedings of COLING 2022.
Fajri Koto, Jey Han Lau, and Timothy Baldwin: “Evaluating the Efficacy of Summarization Evaluation across Languages”. In Findings of ACL 2021.
Fajri Koto, Jey Han Lau, and Timothy Baldwin: "Top-down Discourse Parsing via Sequence Labelling". In Proceedings of EACL 2021.