Prediction of Coronary Artery Disease in Echocardiography

  • Research theme/s:


  • Principal investigator (PI):

    Dr. Mohammad Yaqub

  • Researcher/s:


  • Funding:


  • Department:

    Computer vision

  • Co-PI:


  • Student/s

    Mohamed Eltag Salih Saeed

  • Collaborators / partners:


Heart disease is a major problem worldwide, encompassing many different kinds of disease. Coronary artery disease (CAD) in particular afflicts the blood vessels that supply the heart with blood. As part of the diagnostic process for CAD, ultrasound imaging can be used, which is non-invasive, inexpensive and quick. This project aims to automate the process of CAD diagnosis with ultrasound imaging to reduce the load on clinical experts, who are in short supply, and deal with the problem of human observer variability, leading to more reliable consistent diagnoses.