Super-aligned Machine Intelligence via a Soft Touch

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Physical embodiment is central in aligning human intentions with machine intelligence, where the moment of touch holds the truth between the simulated and real worlds. In this talk, I will argue for the foundational role of Vision-Based Tactile Sensing (VBTS) in developing robot learning systems toward embodied intelligence. Tactile sensing by vision provides modern robotic systems with shareable and reproducible access to a rich modality of real-time sensory representations in a multi-dimensional, computationally compatible data structure at a low cost. Drawing from our recent work in proprioceptive robot learning, I will explain our recipe in VBTS that combines soft robotic design with modern learning algorithms to achieve State-of-the-Art (SOTA) performances in tactile perception with omni-directional adaptation. Our VBTS solution is highly robust even after 1 million test cycles. Based on this principle, I will present how we achieve multi-modal outputs from a single, vision-based input by leveraging computational intelligence via various learning algorithms. Such unique capability enables us to incorporate tactile sensing with omni-directional adaptation in cross-limb, cross-skill, and cross-scenario applications, such as amphibious tactile grasping, proprioceptive and interoceptive shape reconstruction, industrial welding, and object detection. Then, I will present our preliminary results in developing a topological learning framework that simultaneously trains manipulation and locomotion skills by expanding tactile representation via a Graph Neural Network. Finally, I will present the portable DeepClaw system that captures human demonstration actions, including both force and motion, within a single device towards a universal interaction interface for embodied intelligence, the path towards super-aligned machine intelligence via a soft touch.


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Song Chaoyang is an Assistant Professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in Shenzhen. He is affiliated with the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering and has an adjunct affiliation with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at SUSTech. His research focuses on the interdisciplinary field of design science and robot learning that bridges across limbs, scenarios, and skills. Previously, he was a Lecturer at Monash University, a Post-Doc at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and a Post-Doc at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD). He holds a Ph.D. in Mechanism and Robotics from Nanyang Technological University. He is a Senior Member of IEEE. He authored over 60 papers published in high-impact journals (e.g., Science Robotics, IJRR, T-RO, TMech, Soft Robotics, RA-L, Advanced Intelligent Systems) and conferences (e.g. CoRL, ICRA, IROS, CASE). He also won the UNESCO-ICHEI Higher Education Digitalization Pioneer Case Award in 2023 and the Best Healthcare Automation Paper Award at CASE2023.
