Detect – Verify – Communicate: Combating Misinformation with More Realistic NLP

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Dealing with misinformation is a grand challenge of the information society directed at equipping the computer users with effective tools for identifying and debunking misinformation. Current natural language processing (NLP) including its fact-checking research fails to meet the expectations of real-life scenarios. In this talk, we show why the past work on fact-checking has not yet led to truly useful tools for managing misinformation, and discuss our ongoing work on more realistic solutions. NLP systems are expensive in terms of financial cost, computation, and manpower needed to create data for the learning process. With that in mind, we are pursuing research on detection of emerging misinformation topics to focus human attention on the most harmful, novel examples. Automatic methods for claim verification rely on large, high-quality datasets. To this end, we have constructed two corpora for fact checking, considering larger evidence documents, and pushing the state of the art closer to the reality of combating misinformation. We further compare the capabilities of automatic, NLP-based approaches to what human fact checkers do, uncovering critical research directions for the future. To edify false beliefs, we are collaborating with cognitive scientists and psychologists to automatically detect and respond to attitudes of vaccine hesitancy, encouraging anti-vaxers to change their minds with effective communication strategies.


Iryna Gurevych (Ph.D. 2003, U. Duisburg-Essen, Germany) is a professor of computer science and director of the Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP) Lab at the Technical University (TU) of Darmstadt in Germany. Her main research interests are in machine learning for large-scale language understanding and text semantics. Gurevych’s work has received numerous awards. Examples are the ACL fellow award 2020 and the ever-first Hessian LOEWE Distinguished Chair award (2.5 million euro) in 2021. Iryna is co-director of the NLP program within ELLIS, a European network of excellence in machine learning. She is currently the vice-president of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL). Very recently, Gurevych has won one of the highly-coveted ERC Advanced Grants and received 2.5 million euros from the European Research Council (ERC) for her project “InterText – Modeling Text as a Living Object in a Cross-Document Context”.
