AI Innovation & Application

MBZUAI is the first university in the world that specializes in the research, study and innovation of artificial intelligence. MBZUAI is a bold idea that’s unleashed a lot of new opportunities to push the boundaries of artificial intelligence.

AI touches everything

UAE’s leaders are groundbreaking in their decision to open a university focused on one discipline especially since AI touches everything: chemistry, physics, biology, social science, and mathematics. It has the ability to transform everyday life.

AI becomes a tool for researchers in all these domains to do their jobs or a vehicle for them to ground their work on applications that can impact all walks of life and become the engine for the economy. AI deserves a university-level foundation.

There is a need to investigate and explore how to nurture and further advance AI, and there is a need to train the next generation of workforce proficient with AI to advance the economy.


Society needs to explore such new opportunities to secure a future for growth and development. AI has the potential to advance this function and deliver such results.

There is also a great need from the industry, and from the business community that draws talent and intellectual power from universities to problem solve. Our Office of Professional Services works to assist and take responsibility to address those needs through the consulting services and training programs they provide.


Startup incubator

There is a symbiosis between the university and the startup and innovation ecosystem around it, centred on the universities’ intellectual power. There is a critical need for technology transfer and supportive policies, and organizational infrastructure to allow faculty and students to actively work with industrial partners and solve problems.

MBZUAI fosters an environment to encourage faculty and students to be entrepreneurial and build startups based on their inventions and innovations. Many faculty have already had success in securing patents and creating successful startups prior to joining MBZUAI. This means they can guide and share their journey with students.

The Office of Outreach and Engagement plays a vital role in creating partnerships and collaborations which are beneficial to everyone. Together with industry, the university aims to make a tangible difference to the world in which we live.

AI enterprise consulting

Deploy MBZUAI expertise in AI and business applications and position your organization for tomorrow.

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AI training and certification

Investing in your manpower is investing in artificial intelligence. Train leadership and staff to adapt and adopt emergent technologies.

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