MBZUAI / RIKEN-AIP Joint Workshop

Tuesday, April 25, 2023 - Wednesday, April 26, 2023

start-time 9:00 am - 12:30 pm
end-time Online Webinar
The AI community is growing fast, and exciting developments have resulted from cross-disciplinary efforts. Inspired by such achievements, this workshop aims to provide a platform for people from MBZUAI and RIKEN-AIP but from different disciplines to share the state-of-the-art and perspectives in their respective disciplines, and to explore the possibility of interdisciplinary cooperation in the development of AI.In this workshop, top researchers in machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing will present a variety of recent advances and showcase how intelligent systems can be developed and utilized to enhance the capacity of AI to address real problem across various domains.  
25-Apr 26-Apr
9:00 Brief Introduction Preslav Nakov (MBZUAI): Fighting the Global Social Media Infodemic: from Fake News to Harmful Content
9:15 Tim Baldwin (MBZUAI): Measuring and Improving Fairness in NLP
9:30 Lin Gu (RIKEN): Addressing Practical Challenges in Artificial Intelligence from the Medical Domain to General Tasks AI
9:45 Qibin Zhao (RIKEN):  Efficient machine learning with tensor networks
10:00 Abdulmotaleb El Saddik (MBZUAI): AI-Empowered Metaverse Streaming
10:15 Yuwei Sun (RIKEN): Meta Learning in Decentralized Neural Networks through the lens of Global Workspace Theory
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Coffee break
11:00 Le Song (MBZUAI): A family of pretrained AI Models for target discovery and drug design Sherief Hashima (RIKEN): Bandit Formulations for UAV mounted RIS Networks
11:30 Matthias Weissenbacher (RIKEN): On Generalisation in RL Fahad Khan (MBZUAI): Towards Detailed Understanding of the Visual World
12:00 Martin Takac (MBZUAI): Training ML models without hyper-parameter tuning - adaptive step-size procedures Wei Huang (RIKEN): Explainable deep learning: an over-parameterization perspective

MBZUAI Speakers:

  • Tim Baldwin
  • Le Song
  • Abdulmotaleb Elsaddik
  • Martin Takac
  • Preslav Nakov
  • Fahad Khan

RIKEN-AIP Speakers

  • Qibin Zhao (RIKEN-AIP)
  • Yuwei Sun (RIKEN-AIP)
  • Lin Gu (RIKEN-AIP)
  • Matthias Weissenbacher (RIKEN-AIP)
  • Sherief Hashima (RIKEN-AIP)
  • Wei Huang (RIKEN-AIP)


  • Dr. Tongliang Liu
  • Dr. Qibin Zhao
  • Dr. Masashi Sugiyama
  • Dr. Kun Zhang


Online Webinar