ParlaMint is a CLARIN ERIC flagship project aimed at harmonization of freely available, comparable and uniformly annotated multilingual corpora of parliamentary sessions. In October 2023 its newest version was published, covering 26 European parliaments plus their linguistically annotated version, machine-translated to English. The talk will introduce the ParlaMint corpora, standards, processes and infrastructure to demonstrate how this valuable data can be used for further research in Digital Humanities.
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Maciej Ogrodniczuk is Head of Linguistic Engineering Group at the Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences. He completed his master’s degree in computer science and PhD in linguistics at the University of Warsaw. He participated in many projects in the field of computational linguistics and linguistic engineering resulting in development of several textual corpora (e.g. Polish Parliamentary Corpus, Polish Coreference Corpus, Polish Summaries Corpus) and tools for computer processing of the Polish language (e.g. Korpusomat – corpus creation tool or Jasnopis – readability measurement application). He is currently involved in referential and meta-textual description of Polish and creation of ParlaMint – multilingual comparable corpus of parliamentary resources.
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